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Your Guide to the Gobi Desert

Your Guide to the Gobi Desert

Your Guide to the Gobi Desert

A trip to Mongolia isn't complete without a visit to the Gobi desert to experience its breathtaking views, landscapes, and scenery. Whether you are embarking on your own or following a reputable tour guide, you are guaranteed to have the time of your life. But, before you head out to the desert, you may have some questions, so we've put together our guide to the most common questions people ask us about the Gobi desert.

Where Exactly Is the Gobi Desert?

The Gobi desert, aka the largest desert in Asia,stretches across the border of northern China and southern Mongolia. What Animals Could I see in the Gobi Desert? While the Gobi desert was once home to many dinosaurs, nowadays, the most common Gobi desert animals are camels, wild horses, golden eagles, leopards, and reptiles. Plus, you might even spot evidence of its prehistoric inhabitants and find a dinosaur fossil or two! Bears that are found in the Gobi are called "Mazaalai" locally. They are critically endangered species, so you are unlikely to see them. gobi5.jpg

What Is the Weather like in the Gobi Desert?

In the Gobi desert,the weather is unpredictable and can change from one day to the next, regardless of the season or time. There are large variations in temperature throughout the day; for example, in summer it may reach 86 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime but then drop down to 48 degrees Fahrenheit in the evening. Sometimes there are huge duststorms called "Ugalz" in the Gobi. Dust from these storms are reported to reach Japan sometimes. Also, in summer, you can expect well over 30 degrees celcius.

How Far Is the Gobi Desert from the Mongolian Capital?

Ulaanbaatar is the Mongolian capital city and where all international flights fly into. If you wish to go straight from the capital city to the Gobi desert, then you'll need to take another flight to Bayannur, and then hire a car or take a shuttle bus from there. Domestic flights go from Ulaanbaatar to Dalanzadgaf (the capital of Umnugobi province). There are few usable airstrips for commercial flights in Mongolia and domestic flights are few and far between, and usually chartered so that they are fully booked. If you decide to go by car then unlike in most of the rest of the country the road to Dalanzadgad is fully paved.

What Can You Do in the Gobi Desert?

There is so much to see and do in the Gobi Desert, that one day of adventure may not be enough. So, why not stay in a stay in a traditional Mongolian ger and recharge for the next day's activities? For those of you who wish to experience silence and reflect on life, look to climb the the Khongor sand dunes. From the top, you will get the most panoramic views of the desert. If you are eager to get a taste of what Mongolia was like long before civilization, you must visit Bayanzag, home to ancient dinosaur fossils, bones, and eggs. Trust us when we say your inner child will be enlightened. Oh, and one thing is for certain, you cannot visit the Gobi desert without trekking through the dunes on a camel, which we promise will connect you deeper with nature and Mongolian culture.

If you are eager to check out the Gobi desert, give us a call or an email, and we will be more than happy to help you plan your trip!