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Why Mongolia is beyond materialism?

Why Mongolia is beyond materialism?

Why Mongolia is beyond materialism?

Diving into Resilience and Mindfulness of Nomads

Yes, it is pretty cold out there in #Mongolia. Above all, the authentic active lifestyle of nomads in winter is rarely experienced by travelers, as many choose to come in summer when there is little happening. Also, this time is a less crowded and less expensive time of the year to visit. There is something unique about silence and being in the middle of nowhere that is very attractive, say many. And in some minds, that makes Mongolia the right place to practice mindfulness and simplicity to take care of your well-being in this busy world.


Also, after the pandemic, which still poses a risk to us every day of getting infections, you need a robust immune system to fight back and recover fast in the worst-case scenario. You can gain that by hiking, horseback riding, visiting ice festivals, and staying with a nomadic family. Specifically, having your kids experience a nomad lifestyle in wild nature is an eye-opening experience to see the world from cross-cultural values.


Winter Nomads

Nature has shaped the religion and the philosophy of Mongolians. It has inspired a minimally simplified yet satisfying way of living. Through thousands of years, nomads have passed down their wisdom of worshipping, adapting, and living in harmony with nature instead of being frightened by it or destroying it. Winter has a lot to do with this incredible experience, as nomads have long coexisted with animals to use their remarkable strategies to survive and even thrive through the winter. The Chinggis Khan was famous for introducing war strategies to the world based on wolf pack tactics.


Spending some time in nomads’ homes at this time of the year would give you “Ooh, I have never thought about it” perspectives to your worldview. After some time in silence, nomads share their wisdom, starting with what to do to keep loved ones safe from possible dangers. For example, mesmerizing red skies are not just a beautiful color display for nomads; it foreshadows a sunny day. Nomad family hopping can start with upland steppes in the east, semideserts in the south, and reindeer families in the forested high mountain ranges, as Mongolia boasts 21 ethnic groups with 80 million animals, including sheep, goats, cows, and camels.


These tough people have always acknowledged that animals use their sixth sense the best to tell them what is coming soon. The most common signs have to do with cattle. They will move away from exposed hills and gather in the lower elevations for protection. The list of natural signs used daily to monitor the weather is long enough to make up a book. And there is a book.